Donate a Laptop, Change a Life

Give your unwanted device to a disadvantaged or less fortunate person with our powerful reUtilize initiative.

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Donate a Laptop, Change a Life

How does it work?

We take donated old or unused laptops and repurpose them for children, adults and families who are not fortunate enough to have their own.

Your Laptop Could Help…

Kids with illnesses

A child in a hospice watch and enjoy their favourite Netflix shows.

Homeless individuals

Individuals in homeless shelters to access technology for job applications or online grocery shopping.

Low-income households

Children from financially constrained families to improve their learning and complete homework.

Socially disadvantaged

The socially vulnerable remain connected with friend and families, and access support and resources.

Donate Your Device With reUtilize

If you'd like to help someone less fortunate or would like to find out more about how reUtilize works, use the button below or call our team on 0333 006 9060.

To find out more get in touch
Donate Your Device With reUtilize